Someone's probably already thought of this, but...

Presumably it would be possible to programmatically generate all 
possible postcodes. The space wouldn't be all that large, because we 
know all the prefixes now as freethepostcode and have 
collected them.

Then, in a similar fashion to the NameFinder Postcode Lookup:
you could Google for each one, and parse the resulting pages for 
something looking like an address.

Then, for each hit where you found one, in Mechanical Turk fashion, you 
could present willing volunteers with:

- The generated postcode
- The possible address text you found
- The OpenStreetMap map for the area

and tell them that if it does look like a valid address, and if they can 
see the named road, to click on it - or, if not, click "Reject". You 
would then store that as a location for that postcode, marked with 
something which says "this isn't completely verified, and may be a bit 
vague, but it's a lot better than nothing".

I think you could do about 300 of these an hour (1 every 10 seconds or 
so). This would generate a reasonably-accurate postcode database with 
much wider coverage fairly quickly. Given that each postcode would be 
taken from a different web page, there's a good chance there'd be no 
encumbering legal issues.

Of course, the postcode data may well be CC-BY-SA. So it doesn't obviate 
the need for freethepostcode and npemap. But it would quickly get OSM to 
a stage where it could do fairly comprehensive postcode lookup.

Another, better, source of addresses for this process would be mailing 
lists borrowed from sympathetic mail order companies. Clearly, they 
could only let you have addresses they had permission to give you, but 
that might be a fair few.


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