On Thu, 2008-01-31 at 20:52 +0100, Erik Johansson wrote:
> I need to ask you how can I get water to Stockholm, the Venice of the
> north, is there something I can do about this?
> The wiki page seems to say "Hey it works in England!". But gives no
> indication on how I should make the Baltic Sea into on big polygon so
> Mapnik is happy, I really want those shorelines, coastlines, waterways
> to be rendered nicely in Mapnik.
Real soon now. 

The coastline error checker and shapefile generation tool from Kleptog
have produced a new set of shapefiles from the osm coastline data. 

Artem told me a few days ago that the shapefiles were working well for
him in Mapnik. It will probably take me a few more days to verify these
and update the main map layer to use them.


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