El Martes, 5 de Febrero de 2008, Robert (Jamie) Munro escribió:
> Ps. does that mean that if someone has a 1993 or earlier postcode DB
> lying around, we can bulk load it into Free the Postcode?

It depends. 

It depends on your view over the "copyrightability" of individual pieces of 

If a singular piece of data is "copyrightable", then the 15-yeard-old database 
right expires, but the individual copyrights do not.

If a singular piece of data is not "copyrightable", then the data is basically 
in the public domain.

Iván Sánchez Ortega <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Errar es humano, pero para liar las cosas realmente bien necesitas un 
                                    -- dicho popular del mundo informático,
                            atribuido a Paul Ehrlich (Premio Nóbel de Física)

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