Artem Pavlenko skrev:
> New coastline in Mapnik :
> Copenhagen - : 
> lat=55.6829&lon=12.5817&zoom=12&layers=B0FT
> A big thank you to Kleptog!!!

Actually the Copenhagen coastline has been fixed about a year and a half 
ago, and was one of the first areas in Europe to have the coastline data 
imported. The rest of the Danish coastline were fixed about 8-10 months 
ago, long before Kleptog's great coastline checker was made.

The coastlines were fixed manually, downloading segments for all the 
islands and the peninsular part of Denmark into JOSM, checking them for 
breaks between segments, fixing it, and uploading.

It was only the Mapnik layer that lagged behind in displaying it, the 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Osmarender layer has been able to display it, since almost 
almien began the work in importing PGS coastline data.


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