Colin Marquardt schrieb:
> "Rahkonen Jukka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> When I am looking at the Scandinavian data loaded into PostGIS
>> database with the fine osm2pgsql utility (thanks, Artem) I can
>> simply find hundreds or thousands of logical errors in data.  For
>> example this is an excerpt from the list of highway tags used in
>> the data: ...  residetial
> [...]
> In the past, I have used Osmxapi to get an OSM file with each of
> such typos, fixed them up in JOSM and uploaded again.
As mentioned, I've done that also, but this is far too annyoing and time 
consuming for a permanent solution IMHO.
> Maybe tagwatch could be extended so that it produces direct links to
> Osmxapi for those elements, with the correct bounding box set (since
> tagwatch also runs on a bounded area).
That would be a "better than nothing" solution (and a good idea anyway) 
but still involves a lot of manual labor going on and on ... that's 
where computers are better for ;-)

Well, if it's an obvious typo like highway=Service -> highway=service we 
could automatically fix it everywhere in the world without any bounding 
box, e.g. based on the planet file data.

The only question is: How to do it?

Regards, ULFL

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