On 19/03/2008, Ian Darwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > the key is the attribution
>  >
>  > at present there is no method for attributing data in osm, so this is
>  > a call to all:
> I presume you've verified that putting it on the OSM web site would not
>  be adequate? I think there needs to be a separate page there listing all
>  the "bulk" contributors (Holland, USA, Spain, and now NZ, et al) with a
>  link from the front page.

no, it's early days yet, approval to use the data only came through
yesterday. we've not verified anything attribution wise, this is the
first step - asking for possible solutions, which we will then present
to LINZ for their approval. your suggestion has been added to the LINZ
import page on the wiki, feel free to add more/edit as you see fit


>  I would *think* this would cover it, but IANAL. Good luck!
>  Hmm, if this works, we might be able to get some maps for Canada too.
>  P.S. Amused by the cross-post: I too am both an OM-er and and OSM-er.
>  I did most of the roads around my home:
>  http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlon=-79.93265&mlat=44.012150&zoom=13

well, that was actually a mistake on my part.....but there's a lot of
people working on/aware of both - i'm particularly impressed to see a
number of osm compatible mapping/routing applications developed for
openmoko/the neo

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