Iván Sánchez Ortega <ivansanchez <at> escomposlinux.org> writes:

> Don't worry about the schema - I think I reverse engineered it just right.
> But please get in contact with the maintainers of the mapserver, and ask them 
> why on earth their WFS is returning malformed linestrings for the road layer. 
> I'm missing the endpoint for most of them, and had to hack my way around that 
> issue.

I downloaded the "roads" feature type and got it transformed to shapefile with
ogr2ogr. Result was a bit odd, though. Linestring are mostly just fractions, and
one point linestring are weird even they perhaps are allowed in gml. Fids are
fore sure missing, but they are not needed for reading the geometries. It would
be nice to know the version of MapServer they are running, as well as what
datastore they use. Perhaps the mapfile as well. 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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