On Wed, 2 Apr 2008, Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:

I think some variation on the access tag make more sense, if only

Good idea.

Afterall the road/route is always there (ie. not
intermittent), it is just not passable with normal vechiles.

The *water* on the road *is* intermittent, however.

Both tags are probably a good idea - the access tag tells you you can't access it some of the time, the water tag tells you _why_ you can't access it.

I'm not entirely convinced about water=intermittent for tidal stuff though since tides are quite predictable so there could be much more useful information about when the water is present (e.g. "under water when tide is > 4m above chart datum). To some extent this is true of seasonal stuff too - you could have a tag specifying when the wet season usually occurs.

 - Steve
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     Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence
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