> Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 13:44:49 -0400
> From: "Adam Schreiber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] tagging and rendering highways in the USA and
>       elsewhere
> To: "Tom Hughes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: talk@openstreetmap.org
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 12:33 PM, Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  The problem is that we do not have the technology to render different
> >  countries in different ways. I don't believe we even know of an
> efficient
> >  way to do it, so we don't even know what the technology would look like
> >  should somebody want to write it.
> Shouldn't this be as easy as adding a tag indicating country and
> altering the stylesheet to say highway=motorway country=us =>
> color=yellow, highway=motorway country=uk => color=blue?

I think tagging each way with the country puts huge additional work onto
every mapper. We should have boundaries for countries from somewhere I
believe, and that will provide the national context for default rendering.
Possibly it is not achievable immediately, but I suggest we need to solve it
and ensure the integrity of the tagging in the meantime.

As to the question about 'who decides on the actual rendering' I am not
personally sure and it may require a bit of a benevolent dictator role in
the end, however.... if the core tagging is clear and consistent across OSM
then anyone is free to do their own rendering.

To answer the question about who chose blue for motorways. That is a
standard across road-maps in the UK that was possibly defined with motorways
were first build in the UK. I have a UK road atlas from 1976 that has the
motorways in blue. I guess that red was used for the most important roads
(being a bright colour) with a tone spreading from yellow through orange to
red before motorways and then when someone invented a new more important one
a new colour was needed. The answer is that OSM's currently colour scheme
seems to be that it is UK imperialism!

For interest, here are some colours using by Google maps around the world
for motorways or their local equitant.

Orange: USA, Canada, Germany, Russia, India, China
Red: Australia, France
Blue: UK

And for Yahoo

Red: USA, France, Russia
Orange: India
Blue: UK

And for Microsoft (local.live)

Green: France
Orange: UK, India, China
Yellow: Russia

So actually it is all a bit fluid and variable, but I still think a table
for colours by county makes sense unless someone wants to get agreement on a
single colour.

I would suggest we have a default of orange for top-level roads everywhere
with a local override which is blue for the UK and other countries can
debate what they want would be idea.

In the mean time please can we strongly encourage consistent tagging of
highways everywhere.


> Cheers,
> Adam

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