At 01:12 PM 30/04/2008, Rahkonen Jukka wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I concluded that I'd rather see my contributions in public domain and added
>> the PD-user template to show that.  I wonder what does it mean in practice.
>> Is it now possible for me or anybody else to extract all features I have
>> created and which have never been touched by other users?  How about ways
>> created originally by me but edited later by others?  How should I work
>> in the future to guarantee that my edits will be free? Should I do all 
>> new work in some other environment and store it there before donating 
>> it to OSM or what?  I am now only speaking about creating totally new 
>> features, not editing anything done by others.
>> -Jukka Rahkonen-

My personal view only:

While I have the PD-user template on my user page and would encourage 
like-minded folks to do the same, I feel it is mostly a political statement  
than of real practical benefit.  You are welcome, for example, to take all my 
work for the island of Boracay [1]  and do whatever you like with it.  But I 
cannot guarantee no one else has added new material or made edits in the 
meantime  ... and I don't like to tread on the feet of fellow mappers who don't 
think as I do.

For my own possible use, yes, I take a copy of new areas I've worked on from 
OSM before other folks arrive.  I don't feel it necessary to work in a 
different environment  before donating to OSM, ... but again, as long as you 
are sure that what is yours, really is yours.  The Osmxapi API [2] might help 
there, I believe it is possible to filter on the userid of the last person to 
touch the data(??).

And then there's a new license in the works.  May be it will address many of 
the reasons why you want your contributions in the public domain by better 
defining how OSM data can be combined with other projects.


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