
Let me see if I can summarize the current data sets available in Mumbai.

* In February, Martijn imported AND data for India, including great detail over 
Mumbai. However, when examining the data post-import with locals, we discovered 
there was no consistent offset on the data .. there were a large number of 
inconsistencies and errors. Consulting with AND, we learned that Mumbai data 
was largely a side project of AND employees of untraced origin. It's likely 
this data was created without much regard for geographic or feature accuracty.

* The Mumbai Freemap data was prepared for the web a couple years ago. That 
data is available as a WMS, though there are currently some unknown issues with 
incorporating that WMS server into JOSM.

* There is now new data available fromthe Maharashtra Dept of Public Works, 
including quite a few data layers. (Maharashtra is the India state in which 
Mumbai is situated). That data is stored in some funky Shapefiles. 

The question is where to go from here. Technically there are two main needs. 
Can anyone volunteer a little time on...

1) Get the Freemap server serving WMS requests to JOSM correctly.
2) Write conversion scripts for the Shapefiles into OSM. My thinking is that a 
ruby script, using osmlib and ruby-shapefile is the most straightforward way to 

With these technical problems passed, we'll have three data sets to work with 
and compare. JOSM can handle this, though it might through up some usability 
issues with such large data sets. We may discover that parts of AND Mumbai are 
so jumbled that it's better to clear the slate and start fresh by importing 
MDPW data, or tracing Freemap. I don't think all of Mumbai will have this 
problem -- the older parts of Mumbai are likely to be more accurate. Locals 
will need to look at this area by area, and make judgements, and the whole 
effort organizing as a WikiProject Mumbai on the OSM wiki.


----- Original Message ----
From: Shekhar Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: OSM Talk <talk@openstreetmap.org>
Sent: Saturday, July 5, 2008 2:32:02 PM
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] who moved Mumbai?

Since someone mentioned the Mumbai Freemap [1] into OSM, I thought I would 
finally introduce myself to the list. I am coordinator of the project, which 
was developed in 2005-2006 to showcase the kind of geo-data being collected by 
volunteers in Mumbai's architect and activist communities connected to CRIT 
(Collective Research Initiatives Trust) [2]. 

The data itself is poorly formed, having been originally drawn in AutoCAD 
without geographic attributes and retrospectively warped into shape files from 
sets of disconnected lines and attribute tables [3]. In our community mapping 
project, we now hope to merge our base layers into OSM and train groups in JOSM 
to detail particular areas, which we can use as the basis for projects on 
public spaces, community housing and heritage conservation in Mumbai. 

For some time now we have wanted to contribute this data to OSM, and we now 
have devoted funds from UNDP [4] which we plan to use in support of OSM as an 
infrastructure for our research and design practice. Earlier this year Mikel 
Maron and Schuyler Erle organised a series of Freemap/OSM  workshops [5] which 
seeded new communities in cities across India, and in Mumbai generated 
significant interest.

We think that the existing Mumbai Freemap is mostly useful as a backdrop (WMS) 
against which new nodes and relations need to be traced and tagged within OSM, 
and we are determined to migrate our vector data into OSM in stages over the 
next few months. Chris Schmidt wrote this script [6] to migrate MassGIS shape 
files into OSM. 

Any suggestions on how best to approach this SHP to OSM migration and the wider 
goals of our project are most welcome! 



[1] http://mumbai.freemap.in
[2] http://crit.org.in
[3] http://wiki.freemap.in/moin.cgi/MumbaiFreeMapDatabase
[4] http://www.apdip.net/projects/ictrnd/2005/l43-in/
[5] http://wiki.freemap.in/moin.cgi/FreeMapIndia2008
[6] http://boston.freemap.in/osm/files/mgis_to_osm.py

2008/7/5 Nathan Vander Wilt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Jul 5, 2008, at 1:01 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> On 05-Jul-08, at 3:24 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote

>>> everything is AND and everything is consistently out of place to
>>> the  southeast with the same offset - is there any way to
>>> programmatically  change this?
>> I have a script that I could use for this task if people want.
>> Obviously I'd need to know exactly what to move and by what amount...
> cool - will measure the offset and revert

Are you sure this isn't a coordinate system datum issue? If the AND
data uses a different datum than WGS-84, it may be more than just a
simple offset for all vertices that you need. There are several open
source programs available for converting from one datum to another.
What datum is the original AND data in?


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Shekhar Krishnan
9 Supriya, 2nd Floor
Plot 709, Parsee Colony Road no.4
Dadar, Mumbai 400014

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