On 18 Jul 2008, at 09:35, Robert Vollmert wrote:

> On Jul 18, 2008, at 09:27, elvin ibbotson wrote:
>> Very nice but it needs DirectX. I cut my map programming teeth on  
>> a viewer for British OS maps which uses Java 3D (http:// 
>> britain.poco.org.uk/desktop.html). I can’t share it because of  
>> copyright restrictions on the maps, but the principle would apply  
>> to any map source including OSM. Why not use Java instead of  
>> Microsoft stuff then it would run on anything. There’s an awful  
>> lot of us using Linux or Macs - anything but Windows!. I like the  
>> idea of Kosmos but - MS .net!!
> If you had tried, you'd know that Kosmos does in fact run on Linux  
> with Mono. This one doesn't since there's no DirectX support in  
> Mono, but I'm sure it'd be possible to port it to something like  
> http://axiomengine.sourceforge.net/ .

I'm not a Linux hacker. I use a Mac and much prefer the 'install it  
and it works' approach to either the arcane command-line stuff needed  
to make things like this work with Linux or the constant and annoying  
pop-ups in Windows. Java (especially on a Mac) just works.

> In my opinion, a Windows only project with source available is  
> worth a lot more than some closed Java thing.

Fair enough. That's your opinion. But why does 'some Java thing' have  
to be 'closed'. Java has been open and free since it's inception and  
there is nothing to stop me releasing the source of my Java apps.

> On that note, how can the license on the maps keep you from  
> releasing the source code to your viewer?

The problem is not with the code. It's the Ordnance Survey maps it  

This topic has, though made me think about revisiting my old  
'Britain' app and adapting it to OSM. I wonder if there would be any  
interest in a Java OSM viewer with 3D, the ability to overlay user  
layers and create routes?

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