From: Pieren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 18 July 2008 22:14:32 BDT
Subject: [OSM-talk] path or byway ?
Dear talk,

Could some native english speaker explain the difference between "highway=path" and "highway=byway" recently introduced in map features ?

The description is not obvious. Is it unpaved / paved ? Where is the limit between path-byway and byway-unclassified ?


As I understand it, a byway (which may be yet another of the UK- oriented map features) is normally an old road or lane which probably was once well used by foot traffic, horses, carts, coaches, whatever, but was not adopted as part of the modern road network. They are often known in Britain as green roads because they have not been maintained and rarely have much or any surface left, being generally dirt, stones, grass, weeds and mud. They are distinguished from paths and bridleways (another British thing?) by still being rights of way for all/any traffic and so tend to be popular with the off-road community with their 4x4s, quad bikes and scramblers. These things tend to make the byways rutted and muddier and upset the walkers and mountain bikers (the latter also upsetting the walkers) so that local authorities get pressured into placing local restrictions on some byways. Enough detail? (I could drone on for hours).


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