someone told me me a good idea to provide easy addition to the map

make a poi bar with icons next to the map, visitors can drag a poi
from this bar onto the map
then a popup form with additional info can be filled in.
the handling of this data can be the same as the bugs (someone has to
approve/process these additions)


2008/8/11 Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>        Jukka Rahkonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I would like to to see error reports from OpenStreetBugs as an
>> overlay layer in OSM main map just like Maplint errors. Could it be
>> possible? Even better if error reports could also be done from the
>> main page either by integrating OpenStreetBugs into it or by making
>> another same kind of utility.

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