> I would like to add another argument to the Phone numbers discussion.
> If taken from the OSM database, any piece of paper with the phone number 
> needs to inform about the license and source.
> - It is not realistic to think that phone numbers will be copied from the map 
> with the licence information.
> a) If a wrong phone number is copied from OSM it will put a bad light on OSM, 
> but
> the wrong source can be corrected.
> b) If a wrong phone number is copied from OSM without the source information, 
> and someone finally finds out where the wrong number comes from, it's even 
> worse.
> I agree that the entering of phone numbers should be done only beeing very 
> careful.
> But how can you ensure? I think you can't.
> And pointing to the OSM disclaimer (This data is not reliable!) for the phone 
> numbers doesn't 
> prevent the owner of the wrong phone number to wake up at night, because a 
> dump user from
> overseas did not think of the timezones.
> I think phone numbers should only be published with the acknowledgement of 
> the owner, and 
> that's far more than OSM can organize.


While I understand your worries, I don't think it's feasible to demand 
full checks and confirmation by the owner.

Personally I've been collecting various information from POIs around the 
city I live (and abroad) to have them in the map, easily available and 
to have the information relate to a point on the map. Most information 
were also tagged with an official URL which I researched in most cases 
and took the phone-number etc. from their official website. This for 
sure doesn't prevent you from making an error and possibly resulting in 
a wrong phone-number somewhere, sure.

If there is a free yellowbook that we could work together somehow, I see 
that as a good chance to have _one_ place where e.g. changed data needs 
to be updated. Otherwise maybe we should have yellowpages for OSM on our 
own (possibly under the same license) which allows both relating that 
information to POIs on the map (but not necessarily) and also offering 
an easy frontend for finding/updating address-data (maybe by 
email-authentification or something).

I've come up with thoughts for two scenarios:
1) Keeping all data in OSM as currently is.
2) Splitting certain information into a separate database but with close 
relation (on the API-side etc.) to the current OSM-data.

The first solution would be good to keep it simple. However then we have 
all data in one huge bundle (e.g. one planet-file) and also have all 
data even if somebody just wants to render a map. If that's fine with us 
for the moment, that's okay.
But if we think that e.g. phone-numbers, weblinks, maybe descriptions or 
opening-hours etc. should be separate then I'd imagine a separate 
database where such data goes to - maybe even using the same 
node-/area-IDs to keep the relation to the geo-information. Maybe it 
would be possible backward-compatible (same api, but updates to "phone=" 
go as updates into the other DB etc.). Good side of this solution would 
imho be to possibly be able to also create nodes without geo-information 
... just the yellowpage-data first, and if somebody is able to place a 
correct marker on the map he'd need to be able to merge/link/... both 
information in the DB.

Idea for yellowpage-name: yp.openstreetmap.org ?

Kind regards,

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