On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 05:22:17PM +0000, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
> My fairly accurate Garmin 60CSx is still wildly inaccurate when I
> position myself at the corner of a building and try to measure its
> dimensions since the building and the surrounding blocks most GPS
> signals. So more accurate surveying equipment would for one thing be
> more useful in getting data of regular quality in areas where there's
> bad reception.

I recently spoke with someone who's job it is to measure newly laid
cables and conduits in my hometown. He says even the professional GPS's
they have will not fix (accuratly enough) a lot of times. Around
buildings and under trees they still resort to measuring distances from
a point where they do get a fix and then project the points (their gear
does this nearly automatically for them though).

Another thing : the high precision GPS gear comes with an (expensive)
subscription for providing the highest accuracy...

cu bart

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