2008/10/4 Philip Homburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> That strikes me as a bad idea. If you use that kind of tagging with a
> device that displays the current speed limit in effect than you get the
> very confusing situation that the actual situation differs from the map *by
> design*.

On the contrary. I map the facts. Occasionally, signage diverges from
those facts.

> In .nl it is common to place warning signs for cyclists and pedestrians when
> a piece of road leads only to a motorway. But if you really want to, you can
> walk to the motorway sign.

Sure, but in Ireland (and UK) the correct placement of the motorway
sign is the point of divergence of the standard road network. So where
you have two on-the-ground facts at odds with each other like this,
you need to make a judgement, as you do, for instance, when the street
name signs at either end of the street differ in spelling.


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