> It doesn't help anybody trying to use the data on the terms
> implied in
> the docs. Furthermore, you're deciding that your opinion (that
> the
> requirement to process units isn't onerous) is more valid that
> the
> opinion of the person who first documented maxspeed (that the
> tag was
> most valuable as a raw number of implied units). 

To be honest, I don't know why it was first documented this way.
Checking the revision history of map features it was first set as a
numeric km/hr field by Andy Robinson (Blackadder [0]) when Map
Features was little more than a week old, back in March 2006. To my
surprise Andy is based in the UK, so his choice of specifying the
units are km/hr seems a strange one - I could understand it more if
he were based in part of the world where km/h is the default. 

But perhaps Andy was just documenting what there was already; as he
mentions he has been involved with the project since 2005.

As Matthias writes:
"From the
programmer's point of view I don't think it makes much of a
whether the unit is stored in the key or in the value."
" Also from the logical standpoint I think the unit belongs to the
value.  But I guess opinions differ here."
With which I agree on both counts.

I also agree that these differences of opinion are similar to those
about oneway=yes as an implied default. Opinions differ. Mine are
that if a road is oneway then tag it explicitly, but perhaps that's
because Map Features doesn't (currently) document an implied

Anyway I've got to dash and get a train. I'll be tracking the rail
replacement service from Bury-St-Edmunds to Peterborough and will
see if it uses any currently not-uploaded-ways when I return.


[0] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/User:Blackadder

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