On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 08:57:01PM +0100, Gervase Markham wrote:
> Stephen Gower wrote:
> > I see from later posts that you also suggest using this scheme for cycle/bus
> > lanes to indicate which side of the road they should be rendered.  
> Did I?

I thought it was you - it certainly came up in the discussion.

> >  To derive a travelling direction from the Left/Right terms a routing
> > engine is usually going to need to know the local "rule of the road" -
> > do we just leave this to the routing engine to factor in (needing to
> > work out where in the world it is), or is there another simple solution
> > I've missed.
> Surely the routing engine needs to know this already, for example to
> take you up or down the correct ramp at a motorway interchange?

I'd have thought there's already an implied oneway=yes for motorway ramps,
so the routing engine just follows that. 


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