On Thursday 16 October 2008 16:51:40 Nick Black wrote:
> Hello,
> The Call for Venues for the SOTM09 is now open.  If you want to host
> the world's greatest open map fest, take a look here:
> http://www.opengeodata.org/?p=318
> To get involved with organising, take a look here:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/State_Of_The_Map_2009/Planning
> The dates have been fixed on the 11th - 12th July 2009.  See you all
> there, wherever that may be.
> "The call for venues for the State of the Map 2009 is now open.  If
> you would like to be considered as a host for the event, please send
> an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], with the following details:
>     * Name of the group or individual applying
>     * Names and email addresses of the proposed organising committee
> along with a brief description of their OSM activities to date
>     * Name, address and short description of the proposed conference venue
>     * Why do you want to host the State of the Map 2009?
>     * How will you make the State of the Map 2009 the best yet?
>     * What makes your bid different from the others?
>     * What will you do to raise sponsorship or other funding for the event?
> The dates for the conference have been set to the 11th - 12th July
> 2009 - so book your time off work now!

Very intersting dates.  Just for your info, the first joint KDE and Gnome 
desktop conference will take place in Gran Canaria from July 3rd until July 

It would be awesome if we could fit in State of the Map at the same venue 
during the last weekend.  This would mean:
 - A large number of people (>1000), many of which are already involved in OSM 
at the spot already.
 - Great opportunities for joint arrangements
 - The event is sponsored by the authorities of Gran Canaria, and SoTM may be 
able to get some of that loot.
 - Less travel for many people (including me :-) ).
 - A chance to present OSM to the leading free desktop people and perhaps 
persuade them to make OSM an integrated part of the desktop (something that 
is already happening for KDE because of my and Torsten Rahn's work on 

[1]  Gran Canaria Desktop Meeting


> The provisional time line is as follows:
>     * 16th October - Call for venues opens
>     * 16th November - Call for venues closes
>     * 29th November - Successful host is notified
>     * 1st  December - Venue publicly announced
> If you are interested in helping out in the organizational efforts of
> SOTM09, take a look at the conference wiki."

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