> I am also thinking about renaming the page altogether. There is simply
> no room for the word "deprecated" here. I'm just unsure about the new
> name. "Old features"? "Older features"?

I dosn't like the world "deprecated" too.
But I guess there should be a mechanism, to show the users which tags
are replaced by newer ones.

>> and no new data has been added with that tag for
>> a good while (a year maybe) it is probably safe to convert existing
>> occurances to the new scheme and stop supporting the old one, IMHO.
> It is probably never "safe" but at some time one has to move on, we
> cannot support old stuff forever.

There ist no authority in OSM that has the power to define when "some
time" has come to drop support older stuff forever..

I know a company, they have an authority with the power to change
everything they would like. But in their newest "Features List" (they
call it ISO/EDC 26300), there are features deprecated since tens of


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