On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:11 AM, Jukka Rahkonen

> It would be annoying to contribute first to PD and then separately to
> OpenStreetMap-share alike, but I am not astonished if that will be the only 
> way
> to support both PD and OSM. It is a pity that I do not have local copies of my
> OSM contibutions. I do not really believe that they can be extracted from OSM
> database anymore because of non-PD contamination. Fortunately re-mapping is
> usually faster that the first run. I am awaiting the new PD platform to 
> appear.

BY-SA can simply import the PD entries as they are added, or if it's a
separate system import it each night.

And if you can recover your original data from the DB, it's yours to
make PD. I think. Possibly. Certainly copyleft doesn't reach upstream,
which is one reason why the "viral" meme is so inaccurate.

[I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice.]

- Rob.

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