On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:22 AM, Tom Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Mapnik is just a rendering engine - where you put the tiles that it
>>>>> generates and how your web server maps URLs to those tiles is nothing
>>>>> to
>>>>> do
>>>>> with mapnik.
>>>>> Our mapnik tile server uses mod_tile to server the mapnik generated
>>>>> tiles,
>>>>> which uses the google style URL scheme, not a TMS URL scheme.
>>>> We are getting somewhere..
>>>> Is there a name for "gogle style URL scheme" in openlayers? (Not TMS
>>>> we know now)
>>> Why do you care so much? What's wrong with just using our layer
>>> definitions?
>>> Those use TMS but override the URL generation to generate a URL in the
>>> right
>>> format.
>> Because I need mapnik to render planet then I will use openlayers to
>> display it. Openlayers has a wrapper in tw.openlayers (tosca widgets)
>> which I can import into my turbogears application which enables me to
>> display my custom layer on top of the openstreetmap.org layer all
>> using python.
> Does that wrapper limit you to only using the core layers provided
> by OpenLayers then? You can't load any additional layers?
>> So if I can't figure out what url scheme is used to display mapnik
>> data, I can't tell if openlayers will display it, and if I don't know
>> which part of openlayers displays it I can't check if the wrapper in
>> toscawidgets is done for that part, and if its not done then how is it
>> all going to work?
> Native OpenLayers can only display it if you override the URL generation
> function for the layer, which is exactly what our layers do - they derive
> from the TMS layer and modify the URL generation to generate
> the required format.

I'm not really sure what you mean in above. I'm not that knowledgeable
yet in technical details of map layers you use at openstreetmap.org.
Right now I just want to display the openstreetmap.org tiles on my map
and be able to zoom in etc....
Here is what I want to achieve but with openstreetmaps.org underneath
it. http://geo.turbogears.org/factbook/

I still can't find an example of openstreet layers that uses google
style URL mapping (aka mapnik style)?


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