On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 08:54:50PM +0200, Gustav Foseid wrote:
> So, given your ideal license: I decide to make a pub crawl and making a
> mashup showing the pubs I visited and my rating of them.To make sure that I
> placed the pubs at the right place I had a GPS in my pocket, and had gpx
> trace of the entire evening. Would I then be requires to publish my much
> more detailed GIS data (gpx with timestamps), so you could see at what time
> I visited the pubs and allowing you, as a consumer, to also verify at which
> times the pubs were open and using this data to better plan your own pub
> crawl?

Well, it would always be limited to whatever data you actually export
and merge. So in theory you could just export the pub-nodes without the
timestamps. And yes I know that the GSM company could then just use the same
principle and only export a low resolution version of their signal
strength database to merge with OSM. And that would then probably be
where community pressure comes in : the GSM company would likely be
perceived as abusing a legal loophole while you would be perceived as
being protecting your own privacy while you are both actually using the
same principle.

And I should note that while this would be my ideal license I think it
is would to be totally impractical to actually implement. 
But it is the yardstick with which I measure other license proposals...

cu bart

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