Ed Loach wrote:

> I wouldn't have said so. The point of tagging is a gate is to show
> there is a gate across a way. Examples I've seen so far include a
> gate beyond which is a service road for a supermarket (so
> permissions for the service road are down to who the keyholder is,
> gates across footpaths (which can be opened), gates into fields (so
> the landowner has the key) and similar.

Oh, sure. But you deal with those access restrictions in exactly the  
same way you deal with any other access restriction in OSM - if  
access is permissive or blocked, you tag up a short way which is only  
"highway=track,foot=permissive" or whatever. Just as you would if  
there were a bolard.

I'd agree that tagging a gate means "there is a gate here" - so let's  
not assume that it blocks routing.


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