On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:42:01PM +0200, Nic Roets wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 9:35 AM, Erik Johansson <erjo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Why do people use "_" instead of " ", seems very cumbersome really.
> Because
> * it's been an OSM convention (standard) since 2006. No one voted and
> the wiki wasn't locked.
> * many of us are programmers
> * it's easier to spot mistakes like "__" than "  "

That just calls for better highlighting of possible mistakes in editors
and viewers and lint‐checkers.  Of course, my patches are absolutely
ready to be committed… ☺

Same goes for trying to encode hierarchy into keys and values really.
It’s quite cumbersome.  We’re using XML, it’s good for structuring data
(eye of the beholder thing there), and instead of trying to encode
structure in values that’s where it should be.  Of course, my complete
overhaul of OpenStreetMap tools/API to do all this is just around the
corner too.  I jest.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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