First of all, thanks for the quick responses.

> as I said, you don't *want*
> everyone to edit this data anyway, do you?
Hmm, yeah, that's a good point. Though, if I think about it twice, then
it might be a good thing for removing non-available nodes, so that
everyone would be responsible to detetct broken routers.

> ...nor for removing them from the OSM database again.
So I would not really mind, if somebody would remove because of
accidentally detecting it as non-working. I'd keep track of at least my
own nodes and it's not too much effort to reinsert it again.

> ...but to distinguish between your special interest group and the
> public.
Eh, by the way, we're trying to do some things differently here in
Lübeck, so we're discussing some ways to make it useful for people with
just a plain ad-hoc connection - we generally want to let everyone
profit from it who can click on the connect button of their laptop i.e.
:). And therefore, if everything works out the way we're currently
planning it, it'd be very useful for everyone to be able to easily spot
static meshing nodes.

> You could take a copy of OSM data, merge it with Freifunk data from a
> separate database...
Yes, hmm, we were thinking about this as well. Though using the OSM
database looked pretty flexible in the way of how information are being
inserted. And if it does not harm the database of OSM, why setting up a
seperate one?

> "highway" is for mapping roads
Ah, alright, new tag is being developed :)

Cheers, Linus

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