On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 3:07 AM, SteveC <st...@asklater.com> wrote:

> Over IM and email I've had some really positive replies. There are a
> lot of you out there who personally responded that you liked my posts.
> You don't like the crappy negative tone of a lot of people.

> You think
> the license is a good step. You want to see my satanic portal. I have
> to ask you why do you do this personally? I know the answer. You have
> a secret and you want to keep it safe and warm and snuggly in your
> duvet, away from these posts. It's called sanity. I know. It's hard.
> But if you post here, and show the End Of The World crew that there
> are opinions beyond.... we will all be better. Really. All of you who
> have IM'd me or emailed with your kind words, jump in here and keep at
> it. We'll build a better world with unicorns and water that runs uphill.

I have seen enough of you postst to feel that you have contributed to the
negative tone. But can we leave the barking about who is the most negative
person on the list aside for a few days?

> My second question goes to those who live in the various countries
> that aren't bankrupt... oh I mean those that aren't in the UK.

Would Norway count?

> How is
> the community there? Is it bad? Is it good?

Somewhere in between, I would say.

> How can we help. What are
> *you* doing to help?

I have informed of the process, and think most people interested are on the
international mailing list. The response seems positive.

> Are you stirring dissent? Are you trying to build
> a consensus?

I have provided my view, that the idea behind the license is better than the
current CC-BY-SA, but that some legal aspects needs to be sorted out. We
have one person from a major Norwegian provider of online maps on the list.
He seems to have the same view as "the other Steve, that a change is eagerly
anticipated by traditional cartographers.

> Do you think you're cool enough to fork or do you want to
> build something better? Because we love you.

Please... Could you, in addition to asking others to be more positive in
their communication, live up to that yourself.

 - Gustav
talk mailing list

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