On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Ian Dees <ian.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm working on the application for GSoC 2009 and have a couple questions
> that others might be able to answer more effectively than I can:
> 1. It appears that they only allow projects with licenses approved by the
> opensource.org site [1]. Is our current license up there?

*Software* licenses, not data licenses. It's a software project. So
we're fine with whichever license is applied to
JOSM/rails_port/whatever since they are all* OSI approved.

> 2. Who submitted last year's application? How did we fill out some of the
> fields like "Has your group participated previously? If so, please summarize
> your involvement and any past successes and failures." and "What is your
> plan for dealing with disappearing contributors?"

In general, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Google (and GSoC) know
who OSM are, we're a big enough community that we deal with such stuff
all the time. I think we'll get accepted so long as an application
gets submitted.


* Maybe not Potlatch's license, which whilst clearly open-source might
not be officially OSI approved :-)

> 3. Is anyone willing to be the "backup administrator" for the group?
> Thanks!
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