
thanks for that hint.

Right, the chosen projection won't work around the poles, i don't expect
that.  In the call to gdalwarp i gave the source projection (EPSG:4326 or
WGS84) and as target projection i gave the projection used in osm.xml.

But the result is not what i expected and i also can't explain it.

Best regards,

> On May 2, 2009, at 8:53 AM, Torsten Mohr wrote:
> > But cstr_4.tif is "distorted", Africa is at 20% from the top, 40%
> > from the top
> > begins Antarctica and goes down to the bottom (100%).
> There are a bunch of projections that don't work near the poles.  I'm
> not an expert, and my book on projections is home, but it's quite
> possible that your chosen projection cannot properly represent the
> poles.
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