
have you removed the kill switch inside polyshp2osm.py?
In the latest version of the file I don't see the -s switch. Also -l is
the output_location. So if you want to output your file to the c drive
with the prefix open, you would use the following option: -l C:\open. It
will create files that are C:\open_1.osm C:\open_2.osm and so on. The
number of files depends on the size of your shapefile and of the option -o.

Emilie Laffray

nmix...@runbox.com wrote:
> I'm trying to run the polyshp2osm.py script on a shapefile I converted
> to 4326 format using ogr2ogr. I copied the script and all three files
> created by ogr2ogr in the c directory.
> I try to run from the command prompt and from within python but
> nothing happens.
> python c:\polyshp2osm.py -s 10 -o 40000 -l osm/open C:\Zoning.shp.
> Do you need to be in a certain directory first? Isn't it supposed to
> create additional files that can be uploaded into osm? I tried it with
> a modified script and with the original script with the same result. I
> keep getting a syntax error in python. I'm not sure what the
> 'osm/open' is for. Is that a command or a directory that needs to be
> replaced with where the files are going? Anyone have any suggestions
> or tips?
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