Hi all,

SOTM09 in Amsterdam is drawing close and it's going to be a great
event. If you haven't yet, head over to
http://www.stateofthemap.org/schedules/ to see the current line-up of
talks and workshops!

It would be great if we could publish as much of the event as possible
online soon after the event. For this, we will need people
volunteering to record the talks on video. If you're interested,
contact t...@stateofthemap.org and we'll get in touch with you.
There's a free ticket to SOTM09 for those willing to take on at least
one day of recording! If you can supply equipment, that's great. We're
working on having a camera available though.

Martijn van Exel
Local Organising Committee
State Of The Map 2009

talk mailing list

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