2009/6/17 Tim Waters (chippy) <chippy2...@gmail.com>

One of the main annoyances that people tell me that they have with OSM
> is that whenever they visit the site, the map shows them just the UK.

Presumably these are people who are in the UK?

What are people's thoughts about the default zoom?

Mine are mostly that you clearly have no idea what the current algorithm is

> I'm aware that sometimes it may use a cookie and so the map will open
> up to a previously viewed area - but only when logged in.

Wrong. There has for a long time now been a location cookie that is
independent of whether you are logged in or not.. As of a few weeks ago it
is no longer a session cookie so it now lasts across browser sessions. If
you are logged in and you have no location cookie then your home location is

Do you think it makes a difference what area a user views?
> Would zooming based on IP Address be a good idea?

We've been doing that for a couple of years - if you have no location cookie
then we us GeoIP to get a country and zoom to that country.

> How about using cookies for non-logged in users?

We've been doing that for a couple of years, as described above.

(One main difference on other sites is that their search box is much
> more prominent)

Because it works. Ours doesn't for practical purposes - once that is sorted
we can think about moving it.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)
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