On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 9:46 PM, SteveC<st...@asklater.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Linked off of stateofthemap.org are the SOTM '08 videos:
>        http://blog.signal2noise.ie/~eason/sotm08/
> But they're incomplete and super, super, super slow to load.
> So does anyone know if the rest will be put up?

I've offered assistance with this a few times over the last year, but
so far to no avail. I'm keen to help with whatever needs doing - I
have a postal address (for DVDs, tapes or whatnot), a computer capable
of transcoding, a fast internet pipe and hosting and I'm willing to
sort out all the videos if it means my own one sees the light of day.

So whoever (eason?) has the originals now, feel free to contact me.


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