On Wed, 15 Jul 2009 09:00:23 +0200
Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

Finally managed to get something 'believable', see attached contours. You can 
download the corresponding roads with JOSM.

Problems where:
1) GnuPlot output number format didn't have enough digits and was distorting 
2) Gnuplot dgrid3d needed to be tweaked to improve rejection of points further 
3) Source data didn't contain enough nodes, had to interpolate

So I need to merge and render this out with Osmarender, which shouldn't be too 
difficult. And then write it up in some form for others to try.

I'd also like to look at selecting which ways to route down. At present it 
looks like it is fixed in the perl script but there are some it shouldn't use 
('access=private') and it would be nice to do two maps, one with stairs and one 
without (mother pushing pram...).


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