2008/11/11 André Riedel <riedel.an...@gmail.com>:
> The tourism=information describes an information source for tourists,
> travellers and visitors. But it does not differ between diverse types
> of an information point. The goal of this proposal is to specify this
> tag a little bit more, so it should be easier to find the right
> information point on a map.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Proposed_features/information

The Proposal short before the voting start. So feel free to add your
last opinions.

At the moment it contains the following values:

information = office
An office where you can get informations about a town or region.        
information = terminal
A information terminal provides information access via electronic
methods. Mostly it is combined with access to the internet.

information = audioguide
A place where you can get information using headphones or a mobile phone.
information = guidepost
Signposts/Guideposts are often found along official hiking/cycling
routes to indicate the directions to different destinations.
information = map
A board with a map. e.g. a site map, city map or a map for hiking,
cycling, climbing etc.

information = tactile_map
Tactile maps are maps for the blind, also known as haptic maps.

information = board
A board with information, often found at educational trails.

Ciao André

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