Roy Wallace schrieb:
> On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 8:05 PM, Emilie Laffray<> 
> wrote:
>> We should stop reinventing the wheel.
>> Let's work on those definitions first to make sure that everyone and every
>> languages are on the same wavelength.
> Agreed. I think:
> step 1) Work out how the tags are being used right now (think we've
> pretty much done this)
> step 2) Clean up the wiki definitions to reflect reality, even if this
> means describing more than one specific definition if that is what is
> used by different groups of people
> step 3) Decide on how to proceed gracefully e.g. by stating a
> "preferred" usage of each tag on the wiki to guide newbies and lead to
> the eventual deprecation of some tags if necessary
> In that order.

I agree with you, except:

step 0) Work out *what* we want to tag.
Before thinking of how to tag things, it might be best to write down 
what features might be interesting to put in the database. This way we 
might not forget certain things which leads to confusion in a few months 
from now.

What comes to my mind:
Geometry (e.g. cycleway close to an existing highway)
Legal (e.g. which vehicles allowed)
Surface (e.g. which vehicle might be suitable)
Importance (e.g. how much traffic usually travels here)
seasons (e.g. closed during winter months / rain season)
weather (e.g. not suitable after heavy rainfall)
... probably lot's of other stuff

I mean it's pointless trying to find a suitable tagging scheme if you're 
  not knowing what you want to tag. To my knowledge we still don't have 
a collection of the above.

So could someone with a suitable interest in the topic (me not), start a 
wiki page to collect all those different properties.

If we've collected this information we might be able to find a suitable 
consensus continuing in step 1) ...

Regards, ULFL

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