On Sat, 2009-08-15 at 19:47 +0300, Peteris Krisjanis wrote:
> HI there!
> I am new to this list, so if this question is already answered, please
> don't be harsh :)
> I browsed archive, and I didn't saw anything for answer, but maybe I
> didn't look hard enough.
> As far as I understand mapnik render rules have been subject of change
> recently. I did a string of changes of my home town Ogre, Latvia
> yesterday. Today, there is still no indication of anything new in
> mapnik slip map render (osmarender has bugs, but have rendered all of
> it). Tried to apply /dirty to permalink - still nothing.
> So question is what are rules of mapnik rendering now?

Every few weeks the Mapnik rendering database gets reloaded with the
complete OSM planet dump. This takes around 24 hours to complete and is
running at the moment. 

This full import fixes up some data consistency issues which occur with
the minutely diff imports.

The rendering should start again late tonight or early tomorrow. Your
edits should show up within the next few days.


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