On 21 Sep 2009, at 16:46, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2009/9/21 Shaun McDonald <sh...@shaunmcdonald.me.uk>:
The documentation comes after some significant usage of the tag. There is no
need to spend time documenting everything straight away.

yes, and if different approaches for the same thing arise, we just
a) use both
b) define different meaning for one or both of them

(see landuse=forest, natural=forest, landuse=wood, natural=wood).

Speak to someone from the forestry commision or similar and they'll tell you difference between all of the above.

Actually it is not a must to document, but I wouldn't discourage
people who want to do it: it helps not creating ambiguities which are
hard to get rid off, as the OSM-history has proven.

I'm not saying it shouldn't be documented. What I don't like seeing is people proposing lots of things that no one has started to tag. It's better to have a few ways to tag something and then decide which is the best method after you have tried a few.


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