On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Lennard <l...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Dave F. wrote:
>>> Personally, I don't think these should be rendered on the main maps,
>> osmarender:renderRef is a tag to prevent rendering.
> I said 'maps', plural. One renderer's trick of not showing certain
> features is certainly the wrong approach to this.
>>>  and they should not be made up by us if there is no real ref on the ground.
>> Would they not be essential for routing software?
> Why would you think that made up refs would be? Why would you even think
> that refs would be essential at all for routing? The only thing they are
> good for in the router is to give the driver better instructions.
> "Take the next exit, and follow the A29"
> Now, if I'm on currently not on the A29, and I get this instruction,
> what is unclear about that? I see an exit coming up, probably even
> reinforced with signs pointing out that that is the direction to take
> for the A29. Clear and to the point.
> "Take the next exit, follow the slip road A58-A29*, then follow the A29".
> Exactly how would this be better? "A58-A29" won't be on signs, and it
> tells me non-essential information that could confuse me.

Plus it's actually wrong.
You'd hope, as Richard said, that the router had more local knowledge
than that and could happily work out how a slip road between blahX and
blahY should be referred to if it doesn't have a ref. If it does have
a ref then the router is likely to assume you knew better (ie: as was
also mentioned earlier the slip roads have specific refs), and if you
didn't know better then it's just pointless bad data ruining a
perfectly good router.


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