John McKerrell wrote:

>On 23 Sep 2009, at 20:16, malenki wrote:
>> John McKerrell wrote:
>>> On 22 Sep 2009, at 17:44, malenki wrote:
>>>> | There was an error saving your changes
>>> Odd, I'll take a look, can you paste the URL to the thumbnail to
>>> help me identify it?
>> Impossible at the moment, OSV looks like this both in opera and  
>> firefox:
>I *think* that's how your own user homepage looks when you haven't  
>uploaded any images, just click on the "OpenStreetView" on the top  
>left to hit the real homepage (yes, this should be renamed).

You are right (except that I have uploaded ~2k pictures. Meanwhile 376
seem to exist for the counter :) )

I wonder how I cam to "Moderating" loggin in before, since there is no
hint how to get there now. After all, I took the URL from the history
of th browser, but then you had fixed the bug already

>> Yes, when I click "Mask", even if I don't know/am not sure if there  
>> has
>> to be something masked. Maybe it is an option to display one file  
>> after
>> another at 1024x? or to show thumbnails bigger as they are now.
>rasher on IRC suggested this too so I'll probably go with it when I  
>get time to do it, here's the mock-up he suggested, feel free to add  
>your own suggestions:

Looks good. An other view I'd like would be I recycled the first mock-up; the
"selected picture" can be displayed in bigger size, of course.

>>> that said, we will need to allow photos of GPSes to be uploaded when
>>> we do server-side geotagging (i.e. uploading traces).
>> Why is that? (maybe just because of my sometimes insufficient
>> english..?)
>Often it's a good idea to take a photo of your GPS so that you can  
>accurately geotag your photos. It means that even if your camera time  
>and your GPS time are out by a few seconds you can fix this by typing  
>in the time shown in the photo. Actually this would probably be
>useful whether we're doing server-side geotagging or not.

Understand now, thx.

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