>Problem is that you create expectations that are difficult to fulfil by 
>hobbyists with the haphazard setup that we have. If you want a reliable 
>tile server, you need a proper computing centre with fallback hardware 
>and all that, and admins paid for being woken up at 3am if something 
>goes wrong. This costs a lot of money which we would have to acquire and 
>*not* spend for other things like supporting mapping in developing 
>countries. - So, again: Why not let those who want to use the tiles and 
>who require reliability pay for them?

It seems rather contra to the spirit of free software and open source it 
has to be said. 

But, the root cause is something unfortunately out of OSM's control - the 
cost of server space, server power, and bandwidth needs to come down, it's 
a significant hurdle to not-for-profit hobbyists wishing to develop 
powerful websites.


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