
2009/11/14 SteveC <st...@asklater.com>:
> In Denver the houses are all set back a lot further, so some way to say 'on 
> north-south roads, set back X feet' might help a lot. Or, in JOSM just search 
> for all the ways that make up the addressing on one side of the street and 
> move them manually. Many times for each one.

I've done a similar import of address data in my area and when writing
the converter I forgot to do the projection the first time, this
resulted in a similar effect to what you describe.  I've not seen
Dave's data but looking at the code he's using there's no projection
to mercaartor when offsetting the interpolation ways.  My ugly code is
at http://repo.or.cz/w/ump2osm.git

> In San Francisco, for divided highways the old TIGER data used to bow in to a 
> point every block and we had, I think, automated ways to split those out in 
> to two straight lines. This is reflected with little bows on the address 
> lines at each intersection - see guerrero for example.

What really needs to be done for TIGER addresses import is match the
streets from TIGER to those in OSM (which should be easy since they
all still have the TIGER id's) and generate the address geometry based
on these.  Otherwise someone will need to do all of the geometry
corrections that people have done for this data in the last nearly 2


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