Xan wrote:
> Follow Richard suggest  ;-) :
>> I am impressed by the interest in OpenMoonMap shown on this list.  May
>> I suggest that those interested in proceeding with this project move
>> the discussion to the talk list?  With the broader audience there you
>> may find some additional interested parties.
> I post it the original messages I posted in newb...@openstreepmap.org:
>> Hi,
>> Is there any plans to expand openstreetmap to map the universe: the 
>> solar planets, the constellation, the Moon, etc.? We could have 
>> _really_ free raw information (only see and official aggencies).
>> Another time, thanks for the project.
>> Regards,
>> Xan.
>> [http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Som%20en%20Xavier]
> In newbies list many people show interest in that project for 
> cartographying the Moon, Mars, Solar System, and for extension, the 
> Universe. I think it could be easy to expand openstreetmap to 
> openuniversmap. I'm a newbee (the original poster) and I have no 
> technical details avaliable, but you can follow the original thread: 
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/newbies/2009-November/004286.html
> for this purpose.
> I hope a enough group of people interest that. I could help tagging the 
> craters, missions of the moon and translate names to catalan and spanish.
While I like the idea quite a bit, I think I will wait for a bit to
start mapping for roads and POI on the moon.
More seriously, such a map is not really useful as OSM by default is not
storing landscape. You will just have a blank map with some name tags if
you don't have images in the end. It would be quite useless.

Emilie Laffray

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