On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 11:41 PM, SteveC <st...@asklater.com> wrote:

> On Dec 5, 2009, at 4:25 PM, Ulf Lamping wrote:
> > Remember: Steve is the head of the OSMF, so this is the OSMF Chairman's
> > position about other peoples opinions when they don't share his own
> opinion.
> I'm not allowed to have opinions?
> > Is this the organization you want to hand over the license of your OSM
> data?
> The OSMF wont own the data and you know it.
> The Contributor Terms contains the following clause:  "You hereby grant to
OSMF and any party that receives Your Contents a worldwide, royalty-free,
non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable license to do any act that is
restricted by copyright over anything within the Contents, whether in the
original medium or any other."

That's pretty much as close as you can get to owning a piece of data.

> Yours &c.
> Steve
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