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SteveC schreef:
>> Anyone that traces their trails might think this action is 
>> creative. If that was as creative as writing a computer program or 
>> an algorithm[1] that did this for you... then one probably 
>> understand that one is not making a Rembrandt.
> Don't run away from the point. Stop switching between your legal and 
> moral arguments. I know all about the legal side. Well done.

Wait what? You are blaming me for giving you a full blown proof that a
computer program can do the same as all the GPS tracers and I get
slapped? So what *do* you want to hear? That these persons should be
protected against theirselves for doing this work for free?

> The point is that *morally* you want the data to be PD and *morally* 
> I want it to be SA. The legal points you make are just supporting 
> cases that you're cherry picking to help you.

I don't *morally* want PD, I *morally* want attribution. And if
companies or individual are sucking out only. The viral aspect will only
affect what they produce, not what they bring back. Since the people
that are against attribution INCLUDE the companies you want to open to;
for example the broadcast industry, the choice is limited to *use* or
*not use*. I go for the *use*, if the work is done anyway.

Just because that Indian tracing on the otherside of the world could do
something better with his time and energy.

> Mine? It's the LWGs. Asking the membership is a very credible thing 
> to do - ask those who care enough to be a member. They're the ones 
> the OSMF represents.

And you represent the OSMF, so it is your LWG :) Next to that "care
enough to be a member", please... you almost make me cry.

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