Patrick Kilian ha scritto:
> Hi,
>>> Oh and by the way: You could have reopened the tiket instead of
>>> annoying everybody on the talk list. You behaviour makes me
>>> question my decision to implement your feature request.
>> There is no reason to get angry. The "talk list" is for talk, for
>> what else? Nobody is obliged to read a post, why do you think is
>> boring? By the way i was only asking a question to the list. Better
>> to ask before reopening a ticket IMO.
> Well we do have the ticket to solve such issues without creating lots of
> noise on the list. Furthermore it's a lot easier to track the status of
> a bug in trac then on the mailing lists where you have to find all the
> mails by different people first before you know the status. Posting to
> the mailing list is reserved for cases where the maintainer is not
> reacting to trac tickets or is refusing to fix a important bug. So your
> mail felt like a punch. I tried to implement your feature request and
> all I got was public shaming on the mailing list in the form of "he is
> too stupid to patch osmarender". If that was not you intention please
> accept my apologies for getting angry.
Excuses accepted. My intention was not to criticise, i was only asking a
question like: why still not rendered even if fixed?

> So lets talk technical issues now. I just checkout out a fresh and clean 
> checkout of osmarender from the repository at
> The revision I got was 19004 but any revesion after 18948 should be
> fine. I then checked that the test case in
> osmarender/testdata/comprehensive.osm renders fine. First I checked with
> or/p using the following commandline:
> cd ~/osmarender
> perl orp/ -r stylesheets/osm-map-features-z17.xml 
> testdata/comprehensive.osm
> The resulting file testdata/comprehensive.svg does contain the icon on
> the POI and the green area with the icon for the closed way.
> Next I checked that processing via XSLT works too. I used:
> cd ~/osmarender
> export OSMARENDER=~/osmarender
> xsltproc --stringparam osmfile ../testdata/comprehensive.osm 
> xslt/osmarender.xsl stylesheets/osm-map-features-z17.xml > 
> testdata/comprehensive-xslt.svg
> And the resulting file testdata/comprehensive-xslt.svg was fine too.
> I even tested xmlstarlet because you mentioned that in your mail. I
> used:
> cd ~/osmarender
> export OSMARENDER=~/osmarender
> xmlstarlet tr ~/osmarender/xslt/osmarender.xsl  -s 
> osmfile=~/osmarender/xslt/../testdata/comprehensive.osm 
> stylesheets/osm-map-features-z17.xml > testdata/comprehensive-xmlstarlet.svg 
> And again testdata/comprehensive-xmlstarlet.svg rendered just as I
> expected. So I really don't understand why you think the patch was
> broken
I didn't say "the patch is broken". I 'm grateful of your job. I just
want to know if we only have to wait to have the feature rendered on
osmrender or if further mods are needed.

-- - "Io mappo il mio quartiere, tu mappi il tuo, tutti 
quanti insieme mappiamo l'intero pianeta"

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