On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Florian Lohoff <f...@rfc822.org> wrote:

> Its not about the data you are uploading - but probably the fact that
> you participate in an open project at all.

Um, if you are nervous about others knowing that you participate in this
project, then why do you do it? Is there an establishment out there that has
an interest in preventing you from doing this?

> Otherwise - why do we
> have nicknames?

We have nicknames because it's easier to type in and is the "social norm" on
the internet. I could just as easy type my full name in to the nickname
field on OSM as "Foobar Stevenson".

> We definitly have people who would not like their
> employee to know they are participating in open geodata.

If it's important to them that their employers don't know they participate
in OSM, then they should go to whatever means they feel necessary to get
around their employers watchful eye. Nevermind my point made above...

> Yes - i know - you'll see the endpoints anyway but nevertheless. Noone
> should easily be able to read what i do.
That's the whole point of this operation! If you don't want want people to
easily read what you do, then you should probably not participate in
something called *OPEN*StreetMap.
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