
> I didn't expect that my previous question would make such a great
> fuss.
I didn't aim to hit you personally. Your email was just the straw which
broke my composure.

> Since I now volunteered for implementing an icon for
> amenity=veterinary, I couldn't get my mind off the icon itself today.
Hehe. I know that feeling.

> The approved proposal - which I now know should not have any direct
> influence on the renderers presentation since they are independent
> projects - included a paw icon that shows up at "rendered-as" in the
> green box at
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Approved_features/Veterinary
> As user Breezer commented *after* the voting had passed, that could
> be misleadingly interpreted as a pet shop instead. I agree with that
> and would prefer a different or modified icon.
Furthermore a paw is used for leisure=dog_park. For details see

> Now I've got a few more questions: (practical, not technical)
> 1. Am I free to choose any other icon at my own decision or should I
> open a draft/RFC/vote in the wiki (or elsewhere) and post a few
> alternative icons? This is not about necessity but about
> organizational stuff since there was a somehow approved icon already
> and openstreetmap.org displays tiles on its front page, so I don't
> want to interfere with previous decisions.
For osmarender it's pretty much "pick anything that looks sensible to
you". In cases where variants might be necessary later on (say
barrier=*) it's good practice to pick an icon which easily and naturally
extends to similar tags.

> 2. I personally would prefer a rod of Asclepius and a V (for
> veterinary). Having done some quick searches on Google and Flickr
> that seems to be commonly used almost worldwide (limited to the
> search results) as far as there are any standardized icons/signs.
That would have been my choice as well.

> Is there a place (maybe this mailinglist should be sufficient) to ask
> whether that's really easy to understand for everyone? It should be
> for Europe and according to my searches also in the USA and
> Australia; but what about other countries or is that irrelevant?
> There are existing nodes all over the world (currently only a
> minority outside Europe, USA and Australia), so the same icon would
> show up globally as soon as the tiles are being rerendered.
If an icon is understood across Europe, the USA and several other
countries it is pretty much irrelevant what the other 180 countries use,
EXCEPT if the tag is heavily used there. So if 2/3 of animal=rhino is
used in africa it makes sense to check what icons are in use in afrika.

For checking which icons are understood in different countries I mostly
bug the nice people in the IRC channel.

> 3. My personal favorite is still the rod and the V enclosed by a red
> circle as used in JOSM and suggested by Ulfl. I'm unsure if that may
> be protected by law or registered as a trademark since it's the sign
> used throughout Germany at almost all vet surgeries. I would ask my
> government as well as the veterinary association about it by email.
> If it's protected we couldn't use it. If it isn't (according to these
> two emails) I would like to choose it as the rendering icon.
Sounds good.

> What's the official policy of OSM, Osmarender and Mapnik concerning
> the use of such icons? I know that Wikipedia has the policy to either
> don't use them at all or the email communication has to be archived
> at the foundation for later legal reference.
I store such email, just to cover my own ass, but never stored it centrally.

Patrick "Petschge" Kilian

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