David Earl <david <at> frankieandshadow.com> writes:

> I guess it depends who you ask. I think it's that Java and Windows take 
> a different view about what constitutes a click as a combination of up 
> and down events, rather than being a bug in anything. Having said that, 
> the Java treatment is exceedingly unhelpful. It's not JOSM, though we 
> could work around it in JOSM.

I have noticed that when using OpenJUMP (Java GIS program) with Windows touch
sceen tablet-PC that digitising goes fine with stylus but toggling visibility of
layers by clicking a check box is almost impossible. Inspired by your remark on
up and down events I made a test. It appeared that when drawing with the
digitising tools the point is placed where I click the left button and it does
not matter where I release the button.  When I click the check box click and
release must happen in the same place.

Perhaps JOSM could be made to behave like OpenJUMP so that only the click down
counts when drawing new features. I do not believe that in that mode there is
any functionality programmed for click-and-drag.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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